Backup Policy

Data Backup Policy

Last Updated: 3/28/2023

This document defines the backup policy for Customer Data within EMS LINQ’s Software as a Service (“Service”) environments. The systems within those environments are typically servers but are not limited to servers. Capitalized terms, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have the same meaning as in the EMS LINQ Master Subscription Agreement

1. Purpose

This policy is designed to protect Customer Data to help ensure that it is not lost and can be recovered in the event of an equipment failure or disaster.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all equipment and data owned and operated by EMS LINQ, LLC.

3. Timing

At a minimum, full database backups are performed once per week and differential backups are performed once daily. At a minimum, Database Transaction Log backups are performed at 3 hour intervals. At a minimum, full file system backups are performed once per week and differential backups are performed once daily.

4. Testing

The ability to restore data from backups shall be tested at least once per calendar quarter.

5. Data

Backed Up Data to be backed up includes the following information: databases and associated file repositories containing customer data.

6. Retention

At a minimum backup data is retained for a period of two weeks. After such time the expired data is overwritten.

7. Methodology

EMS LINQ, LLC. utilizes multiple managed strategies for the backup of its production systems based on the environment. All systems are fully managed and monitored network storage devices or repositories located separately from the database servers and systems which are being backed up. The backup devices are connected on a separate network transmission infrastructure to ensure fast data transfers and to limit network degradation while backup and restore operations are being conducted. 8. Encryption All backup media is encrypted using industry standard levels to ensure confidentiality.

9. Access and Integrity

Access to the backup locations is limited to those EMS LINQ staff with a business need for the purposes of retrieval and testing. Access to the backup locations and media is monitored and all activity is logged.

10. Certain Definitions

  • Backup – The saving of files onto mass storage media for the purpose of preventing loss of data in the event of equipment failure or destruction.
  • Restore – The process of bringing off line storage data back from the offline media and putting it on an online storage system such as a file server