Benefits of a Smooth K‑12 Staff Onboarding Process

Learn about the benefits of a smooth K‑12 onboarding process, including increasing retention and creating a positive employee experience.

Welcoming new employees to a district is an important aspect of creating a positive work culture. With staffing shortages continuing to be a challenge, districts want to ensure employees feel comfortable and equipped for success in their new roles. Here, our team of experts has put together an overview of the benefits of a smooth K‑12 staff onboarding process.

The Impact of a Smooth K‑12 Staff Onboarding Process 

Create a Positive Employee Experience from the Start

There is little worse than showing up for your first day of work and not having any of the tools you need to do your job well. Set new employees up for success. Provide them with access to all of their tools and make sure they know where to find helpful resources. If everything is set up correctly the first time—such as usernames and passwords—it will avoid a lot of unnecessary confusion and frustration. 

Human Resources professionals can begin the welcoming process even before the new staff members’ first day. For example, ensure that all new hire paperwork is accurately filled out and processed so that employees can receive their paychecks accurately and on time. Having this peace of mind, employees will be able to focus wholeheartedly on their new role. Additionally, it’s an opportunity for leadership to focus more on the personal aspects of welcoming the new team member. That is far better than greeting them with endless administrative paperwork. 

Increase Retention

Piggybacking off of the first benefit of a positive employee experience, companies whose employees are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to experience a higher retention rate. In fact, research by Glassdoor found that companies with effective onboarding processes improved new hire retention by 82%! A smooth onboarding process indicates that a company is well-organized, efficient, and values its employees’ time and efforts. That is a recipe for retention!

Streamline Onboarding with Automation 

Automation creates a set-and-forget process for routine procedures, such as staff onboarding. Of course, some maintenance is involved, but the benefits of automating paper processes are plenty.

  • It’s a major time saver. Gone are the days of searching for the right form. You’ll no longer need to track people down for signatures or ensuring the form is completely filled out. 
  • It is cost effective. There is no need to pay for space to store paper documents, or use your human resources updating and maintaining files. 
  • Automation also saves the trees! Going paperless is an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to paper processes. It helps modernize and streamline the onboarding process. 

Make Your K‑12 Staff Onboarding Process Smoother with LINQ Forms & Workflows 

LINQ Forms & Workflows will help you set your new staff members up for success. With automated processes, you can create a positive employee experience from the beginning and increase long-term retention. Contact us today and we’ll show you what LINQ Forms & Workflows can do for your school district.